About the Leadership Committee

You may not yet be aware that in 2017 an Ad Hoc Leadership Committee was formed by the Board "To seek, encourage, inform and mentor Club members who have an interest and capability to serve as members of Committees or as members of the Board of Directors." This was a bold charter and an ambitious commitment, undertaken at only a handful of country clubs across the nation. Having recently moved toward a stronger GM/CEO governance model of operational responsibility, the Board envisioned a leadership process to support that direction – a process that would engage our members, and draw from them those individuals who could best guide the Club’s future.

Starting with a totally blank slate, the Leadership Committee (LC) looked at other successful clubs for ideas that would fit Wyndemere. The first step was generating a pool of members for future positions. After creating both a profile format and confidential website where the information would reside, multiple communications were sent to all members asking for those with an interest in serving the Club to complete an online profile. The first year over 70 members enthusiastically responded and currently there are over 100 members in our database. Once a profile is completed there is a follow up conversation with a member of the LC to explore individual backgrounds, the range of opportunities, and one’s willingness to commit time and energy to potential assignments.

To encourage broader participation, in 2019 a formal Committee rotation policy with 3-year term limits was established providing both continuity and ensuring that new openings would be available to bring in new ideas and thinking. A minimum of 2 years of Wyndemere Country Club membership was established as a Committee requirement. While this process is new, the Board and Management are committed to working with the LC, whose role is to assist Committee chairs with names of qualified and willing members. Candidates preferring a particular Committee typically meet with the Committee chair to explore mutual expectations. This year, LC recommendations have placed new members on every Operating and Board Committee. The process is working and improving every year.

Understanding that Club leadership requires members who are both committed to serving and who have the knowledge to contribute to Committees or the Board, Wyndemere Academy was created. Attendees gain historical Club knowledge through online courses and highly participative forums. Last year’s Wyndemere Academy pilot program was unanimously endorsed by its participants and a second session is starting in January.

Recognizing the importance of the Leadership program to our Club’s future, the exploratory Ad Hoc Leadership Committee has, with the recently membership approved By-Law changes, become a standing Committee of the Board. Going into year 3, the LC is a resource for member engagement and Committee talent. Future emails and articles will provide more information on how to get involved in all aspects of the Leadership Program. With nearly 1,200 members reflecting a multitude of talents and energy, the Club depends upon your active support and engagement. Please reach out to anyone on the Leadership Committee for more information and take advantage of the opportunity to become a key part of Wyndemere’s future.

Current members of the LC include Connie Dawson, Ron Drapeau, Brad Green, Jeanie Hielscher, William McDonough, Susan McVicker. As the Committee continues in it's efforts, we will continue to reach out to the Membership for their valued input and participation.

Please feel free to contact any of the Committee members with your ideas, suggestions, and interests.

Gary Lapidas, Wyndemere President
Brad Green, Leadership Committee Chair